U.S. Local Examples

In addition to representing non-profit associations, Capital Consultants also consults directly with individual cities, mayors and city managers on specific management issues for cities.  For example:

  • CC assisted numerous cities with the challenges of military base closure.  In the case of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, Capital Consultants worked on the only overturned BRAC decision, which reversed a Congressional action to close parts of Fort Buchanan Army Base in Puerto Rico.
  • In Richmond, California, Capital Consultants was successful in obtaining two OEA grants for the city to plan for the reuse of a former naval refueling depot within its city limits.
  • For the Joliet Arsenal Redevelopment Authority (JADA), Capital Consultants assisted in identifying federal funding and also provided technical assistance to help with the planning and redevelopment of the former Army arsenal, which was not included on the BRAC list.
  • For Duluth, Minnesota, CC’s founder, Michael Kaiser, wrote the necessary proposals to obtain state and federal funding to transfer surplus military property to create the Natural Resource Research Institute (NRRI) on a closed Air Force base in 1983, long before the BRAC Law even existed.  The NRRI is designed to help create jobs and diversify the local economy through the creation of marketable products and services indigenous to the region.
  • For St. Cloud, Minnesota, Mr. Kaiser served as a consultant to the city and to the nearby St. Cloud State University to obtain state funding for an Advanced Manufacturing Center in a highly competitive, statewide Request for Proposals to assist small manufacturers in Central Minnesota.

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